(getButton) #text=(Subscribe @lPAUniverse Telegram channel) #icon=(share) #color=(#ff000) #size=(2)
Pro features unlocked
>= 15.0
Solve 3x3, 2x2 and 4x4 Rubik's Cube with your iPhone's camera. Play with virtual 3D Rubik's Cube. Spent hours solving the Rubik's Cube, but still can't solve it? Try this app! 1. SOLVE REAL RUBIK'S CUBE Place the Rubik's Cube ...
New feature: Auto-save game Game will be automatically saved and restored, so you don't have to worry about losing your on-going game if the application quits unexpectedly.
(getButton) #text=(Download IPA file - Size:123.07MB ) #icon=(download) #color=(#2ecc71) #size=(1) ✅
(getButton) #text=(Download IPA file - Size:123.07MB ) #icon=(download) #color=(#2ecc71) #size=(1) ✅
Pro features unlocked
>= 13.0
Solve 3x3, 2x2 and 4x4 Rubik's Cube with your iPhone's camera. Play with virtual 3D Rubik's Cube. Spent hours solving the Rubik's Cube, but still can't solve it? Try this app! 1. SOLVE REAL RUBIK'S CUBE Place the Rubik's Cube ...
Game settings. bug fix.
(getButton) #text=(Download IPA file - Size:105.51MB ) #icon=(download) #color=(#2ecc71) #size=(1) ✅
Pro features unlocked
>= 12.0
Solve 3x3, 2x2 and 4x4 Rubik's Cube with your iPhone's camera. Play with virtual 3D Rubik's Cube. Spent hours solving the Rubik's Cube, but still can't solve it? Try this app! 1. SOLVE REAL RUBIK'S CUBE Place the Rubik's Cube ...
- AI hints. You can use it and it will make some moves for you that will bring you closer to the solve. - minor bug fix. - UI improvements.
(getButton) #text=(Download IPA file - Size:105.12MB ) #icon=(download) #color=(#2ecc71) #size=(1) ✅