(getButton) #text=(Subscribe @lPAUniverse Telegram channel) #icon=(share) #color=(#ff000) #size=(2)
Offers the most precise prayer times along with a range of other features including the Quran, Tasbeeh, Islamic Calendar, a compass for Qiblah direction, and Ramadan 2024.
Last updated: 06-23-2024
Status: ✅ ⭐
>= iOS 15.0
Offers the most precise prayer times along with a range of other features including the Quran, Tasbeeh, Islamic Calendar, a compass for Qiblah direction, and Ramadan 2024.
Last updated: 06-23-2024
Status: ✅ ⭐
Offers the most precise prayer times along with a range of other features including the Quran, Tasbeeh, Islamic Calendar, a compass for Qiblah direction, and Ramadan 2024.
Last updated: 03-19-2024
Status: ✅ ⭐
>= >= iOS 15.0
Offers the most precise prayer times along with a range of other features including the Quran, Tasbeeh, Islamic Calendar, a compass for Qiblah direction, and Ramadan 2024.
Last updated: 03-19-2024
Status: ✅ ⭐
(getButton) #text=(Download IPA file - Size:103.85MB ) #icon=(download) #color=(#2ecc71) #size=(1) ✅